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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week #1 Giveaway: Who? What? Wear Vintage

Contrary to popular belief, a love for vintage fashion and fashion history does not mean that every item you put on has to be vintage. No what matter your shape, some complete vintage looks are just as unflattering now as they were back then. Although Halloween is approaching, don't be afraid to mix your favorite vintage items with modern pieces to avoid looking as if you are headed to a costume party. The great thing about shopping vintage is that you can truly be unique. For most vintage pieces, the likelihood of running in to someone with an item identical to yours is almost slim to none. Be unique. Wear vintage!

As I look at street style pics, I notice that many of my favorite looks have incorporated some type of vintage items. I will do a series of posts of people who have pulled off mixing modern and vintage fashion. We'll se who can guess what item is vintage in ALL four pics. Giveaways for those who guess correctly??? Be sure to add us on Facebook to find out!


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